From the Desk of Principal

Dr. Arti Anil Lawand
Our children represent our hopes & dreams!
As a parents you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure our earnest attempt to make our child’s first step out of home, a happy, enriching & rewarding experience giving priority that the brain power is balanced with physical & emotional, intellectual & social well being with core knowledge to face future challenges and flourish in the pursuit of excellence.
DPS Ballabgarh is committed to providing a safe, nurturing & learning environment that fosters the development of the child’s personality as a whole by creating an atmosphere of – reverence for education & a healthy environment through the unique curriculum, weaving inventive thinking, multiple intelligence & different learning through Smart-Class, Sports & Co-Curricular activities which mould our students & spur them on to be the brightest & the best with inculcated high values commitment to disciplines & power of self control to reach their full potential.
We request you to spend fifteen minutes with your child talking about his/her day in the school.
We are accessible & open to parents through scheduled Parent-Teacher-Meeting; also you are welcome to meet the teachers by appointment, if there is any Problem.
We welcome your suggestions & shall ensure that necessary action is taken.
I hope you would seal all our endeavour with your unconditional support.
We wish you very rewarding & successful experience at DPS Ballabgarh